
Here are a selection of new features deemed the highlights from the latest Service Pack for APIS IQ-Software Version 7.0:

IQ Explorer: Action Priority column now available (V7-2313)

Via the display options, the “Action Priority” column can be added to the IQ Explorer. This column applies to actions, action groups and revision states.


Special Drag: Insert: Copy with net connections (V7-789)

Special Drag (right mouse button | hold | drag object) now has an additional option that allows the object to be copied along with its net connections. This applies:

  • if the object is a failure, function or requirement
  • if there are effects or causes
  • if source and destination are in the same fme file (causes and effects are NOT copied but only linked)


Global failures and actions can now also get bookmarks (V7-576)

Global failures and actions can now also get bookmarks. These are “inherited” by their occurrences and are displayed at the end of the bookmarks list with the icon of their global type. Changes to the “global” bookmarks are only possible in the catalogs administration for the global types.


Object Inspector: new option for variant-specific values (V7-574)

In the display options of Object Inspector you can now choose whether newly entered variant-specific values should be copied to other variants by automatically opening a choose variant dialog (“Manage variants for variant-specific value assignment”).
This option can be quickly enabled/disabled by double-clicking the variant edit mode icon in the status pane. 


CARM Server: new options when updating modules (V7-424, V7-2225, V7-2226)

When updating a module, the following values can be retained for the installed module:

  • changed attributes of objects
  • deleted objects
  • newly added objects


Click here to go directly to the forum to discuss these and other highlights of this Service Pack.

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For a comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes for Version 7.0 – 0020, click here.