You are currently in the MSR Form and have (by running your cursor over the info icon) been shown the following information.

The unsecured failure effect is also a secured effect of its focus failure. The failure therefore may appear more than once in the current form.
By right-clicking the info icon, you will see the “Open web page (note)” which leads you to further information on this topic.

This note draws your attention to the fact that you have linked a failure graph (a failure net) in which you can reach the same subsequent failure from the same failure via both an unsecured and a secured path. This is questionable at least if both failure paths belong to the same operating condition.

The following images show an example of this situation, whereby the initial failure (also focus failure) is F1 and the failure effect is called tf1:

This same example can be shown in the Structure Editor as is below:

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The following is an image taken of the MSR Form in the IQ-Software using the same data derived from the other editors above. Here the failure effect is listed twice and this error is indicated with the exclamation mark icon:


It is unlikely that in a technical system with an identical operating condition (here: OC1), the same failure effect (here: tf1) will result from a failure (here: focus failure F1) without safety mechanisms the same as with safety mechanisms; because if it does, the safety mechanisms are ineffective.

In fact, it may be expected that with effective safety mechanisms, a new, secured failure effect (here: tf2) different from tf1 can be derived from the focus failure. In this case, the failure graph would look different due to the addition of tf2, and tf2 would also have to be additionally anchored in the structure editor. As a result, the MSR form would also have a new appearance, whereby the previously existing info icon would not appear.

The following images show an example of this improved situation from the viewpoint of the focus failure and secured failure effect.

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