Command-Line Bookmark

For maintenance customers, the new functionality “Command-Line Bookmark” is available. This command is available as long as the registry entry “CommandLineBookmark” is available. The entry must either be done manually or by importing a reg file.

Syntax: Application [{variable|const[variable|const]} [{variable|const[variable|const]}]]


Path and name of the application.  If there are any blank spaces, then double quotation marks must be used. This applies to e.g. URLs.


These consist of constants and/or variables. If an argument contains a blank space, then all arguments must be placed inside of double quotation marks.

Constants (const):

String (e.g. for fixed sub directories (e.g. C:/user/some_directory) or other strings that can be used as an argument)

Variables (variables -> always lowercase)

%name = Name of object

%idnumber = ID number of the object

%number = number of object

%id = XML representation of the object identity

%urlreference = URL reference of the object

%path = path to fme file

%filename = filename of fme file including the path

%globalrefpath = the reference path that can be found in Workstation settings

Single arguments for the command line are determined using variables and/or constants and therefore must be separated with a blank space. Arguments from compiled variables and/or constants that contain blank spaces must be placed inside double quotation marks.


  • If there is at least one argument that has to be placed inside double quotation marks, then all of the arguments must be placed inside double quotation marks.
  • Because the double quotation marks indicate arguments, it is possible that in the “Notes” (e.g. Name) that replaces the placeholder, no double quotation marks are considered. These are masked out.
  • Variables are fixed placeholders, this means that they cannot be in the strings of the constants with “%characters”, as this will lead to errors when the strings are replaced.


  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\FoxitReader.exe” %globalrefpathdoc\%name.pdf
    Opens the program FoxitReader.exe with the file name “Name of object.pdf” in the Global Reference Path (-> workstation settings) in a sub directory doc (e.g. FoxitReader.exe “c:\referencepath\doc\function_1.pdf”).
  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\anyProgram.exe” “%path%name_%number.doc” “argX”
    Opens the program anyprogram.exe with the file name “Name of object_number of object.doc” and the constant “argX” as the arguments in the fme directory.
  • “C:\Tools\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe” %urlreference
    Opens the Firefox browser using the URL reference as an argument.
  • http://byname/classname/owi_change_doc/CDB_ShowObject/interactive?zeichnung.z_nummer=%idnumber&zeichnung.z_index=0000&%name
    Opens the default browser and attempts to open the URL along with the object id number (idnumber) and name.