Shanghai training 4

Successful launch of open training in Asia

Being close to our customers has always been a priority here at APIS. We live by this principle not only when it comes to the constant improvement of the IQ-Software, but also by offering a variety of training opportunities worldwide. In cooperation with strong local partners, we successfully conducted the first in a series of […]

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Control Trade Fair Logo

APIS taking part in the Control Trade Fair in Stuttgart 2017

Come join us at the Control – International trade fair for quality assurance in Stuttgart We will be showing off the current version of the IQ-Software and CARM Server between 09-12 May in Stuttgart, Germany. APIS Software has lead the way in FMEA Software for a number of years and also develops other integrated Software […]

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Inertia FMEA

Asleep or in motion? FMEA Inertia and Newton’s 1st Law

According to Newton’s first law of motion, sometimes referred to as the law of inertia, an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. It’s not too much of a stretch to apply […]

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3d modeling

Rating Catalogue the Right Way

Have you spent hours debating how to properly rate the failures in your Design FMEAs only to realize that the calculated Risk Priority Numbers (RPN) are suggesting you address issues that you know aren’t the ones you should be working on? I thought so… One of the most fundamentally important aspects of the FMEA is […]

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Mazes, Methodology and FMEAs

What’s your strategy for getting through a maze? What if, when you chose a path, you could know ahead of time that it wasn’t a dead end and that you’d get your cheese? What if you could know, at every decision point, that each move was the right move? Is that cheating? Well, maybe, if […]

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Properties dialog

Highlights of Service Pack V6.5 – 0130

Highlights of Service Pack V6.5 – 0130 Alternative way to double-click on Hot-click icons (RP-4734) By clicking on a hot-click icon with the “Alt” key held, the new editor will open in an “ALTernative” workspace. The “normal” workspace can be defined in “Tools | Workstation settings | Settings | Personal Desktop | Open editor via hot-click […]

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Using FMEA to Its Full Potential

About 12 years ago, while earning my 6Sigma Master Black Belt certification, I was in the midst of training hundreds of Green & Black Belt students how to apply the continuous improvement methodology at their place of work.  Their belt certification required that they engage in training marathons and persevere through the completion of approved […]

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5 Steps to Creating a Strong FMEA

The IQ-Software instantiates the foundation for building our FMEAs, according to five basic steps as defined in the instructions of the VDA 96, Volume 4.2.  Following these steps gives your FMEA the structure required to ensure a thorough analysis with no opportunity for confusing failure modes for causes or effects.  Furthermore, the 5-Step process gives […]

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Value-Added FMEA

In one of my previous entries, “Strength of FMEA Process in the Analysis,” I emphasized the significance and benefits of both perceiving and creating the FMEA as an analysis worthy of our time and energy. This only happens when the analysis delivers value. Where’s the Value? “Value may also be expressed as a straightforward relationship between perceived benefits […]

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